Sephora Collection Micellar Cleansing Milk – Review

Welcome back to skin care Friday! This week I wanted to tell you guys about the Sephora Collection Micellar Cleansing Milk. I have the Coconut Water formula. You can find these online or in-store at Sephora for $7.50.

Sephora Micellar water

Somehow I randomly came across this item online. I remember I really wanted to get one of the those VIB freebies you get sent by email so I chose this (I know I’m not the only one guilty of this lol). These come in two different textures: milk or water and they have 4 different formulas catered to different skin types/concerns:

I love anything that has coconut water in it so thats why I chose it. These are perfect for traveling. I feel like I always say that… I guess I am a sucker for anything travel size. But in all seriousness, its always struggle finding good cleansers for traveling. You can see in the picture it’s kind of thick and has that milky texture. Best way to apply is on a cotton pad and gently work it into your skin. 

Micellar water cleansers are meant to take off makeup without having to wash your face. I feel like these have taken over face wipes recently. At least for me anyway… These claim to be able to remove face and eye makeup. I have to disagree on the eye makeup part. I tried it and it burned my eyes and didn’t remove any of my mascara. I recommend using an eye makeup remover regardless of what base makeup remover you use. As far as removing my face makeup, I feel like it did a great job. I did experience a soothing effect. I did however, feel like it left my face a little sticky. A quick rinse fixes this problem. If I am wearing a lot of makeup I will use a cleansing oil beforehand.

Overall I’d give this product a 4 out of 5. I’d say it’s worth trying out. My favorite thing about this product is that they cater to all skin types. If you have super oily skin, the Green Tea one may be a great option for you. The price is a little bit higher than drugstore versions especially for only 3.38 fl. oz. The Garnier SkinActive Micellar Cleansing Water is $4 for the same size. I’ve never tried it but its def on my list! I’ve seen it at Ulta. 

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for next week’s skin care item!

XO, Diana


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